html RAGE!


Today is roughly day 3 of learning html. I saw Neocities and thought "you know what? Thats can't possibly be that hard!". I thought a simple blog would give me a space to easily look back and be inspired by how far I have come. I am now on day 3 and as you can tell by the state of my website... OOOF!

To start I am what my friends would call "Funemployed" as of 2 weeks ago. The way I have been avoiding the inevitable depression is by studying code for 8+ hours a day. When I decided to make a neocities i decided to grab a class on html, css, and javascript by Dr. Angela Yu. I did a good chunk of her python class and found her teaching style suited my learning style. Heres the rub. I thought html would be a lot easier and I skipped around lessons looking for quick dopamine fixes for my website. Well I am in quite deep now Not entirely sure whats causing what or why things are off and preparing to go back to square one. Probably for the best.

In addition I am determined to use Neovim. Over the past 6 months I have set up a stunningly beautiful config (aestheticlly). I played Vim adventures to get my motions down and motifies gruvbox hundreds of times till i was happy. Now any other colors or interface is jarring. I started html in VSCodium for its preview and auto suggestions but the colors were no bueno and the motions werent working out. So like a real half assed coder I did 30 mins of research quickly installed Satan knows what from Mason and boom pow... I know have completely useless auto suggestions... but they look great.

I also installed Browser-Synch for live previews. and man I love it. I thought the previews would be the hard part but nope thats one simple command. There is one minor hickup though. Sometimes what looks great on my Browser-Synch looks rough on the Neocities server. This may have been because of my absolutly rediculous code (which I am cleaning up) or there is some processing I need to be mindful of. Ultimatly I am really happy with Browser-Synch and Nvim pair. I just need to maybe officially learn lua and lsp... MAYBE.

Needlessly setting up Nvim and cli tools has taught me so much about computer science. When i get angry at the feeling that i wasted a day and only took steps backwards, I just need to remember that those struggles were significant to my successes. But for today and today only, FUCK NVIM, FUCK HTML and FUCK ME FOR RUSHING THIS SITE!