My Journey into Computer Science


My journey into computer science started in 2023. A friend of mine encouraged me to explor linux. As a privacy fanatic it suited me perfectly and while I had Zero expiereinece with the commandline I very quickly became obsessed with the workflow and customizations. I may not be great or even good at manuvering linux but i am deeply motivated and inspired by the community.

Right off the bat i would love to thank System 76 for their amazing efforts to make easy to use hardware and software. I bought a Darter Pro 9 from them a year ago and absolutly love it. Pop OS has also been extemely simple to use and learn and without these 2 pieces I would would be struggling to develop my skills.

Silly as it may be I would also love to thank Nestor and really anyone who maintains Buuf icons. The Buuf Icons (as seen on this website) are manditory for my everyday life. It's a wonderfully goofy and witchy collection of icons and they remind me to never take myself too seriously.

With that out of the way let me give you some context for the contents of this blog. I Have been learning coding and computer science with the intent of recycling and upcycling technology for community projects. It's a long long long journey that i've been on . Conjoring Code is a page for me to talk about anything related to software. If I am frustrated with my Neovim config, You can read about it here. If I learn anything exciting from Dr. Angela Yu, David Milan or anyone else, you can read about it here.

I will share my terrible code, mediocre ideas and eventually some fun projects. I hope that this page encourages anyone struggling with learning code to persevere. I have no business believing that I can do this but so far I havent been wrong.